How You Can Help
If you would like to help with the growth and development of the band program at Ypsilanti Community High School, there are several ways that we are in need of assistance.
- As the program grows, and more students join the bands, we are continually purchasing new dresses for the women of the ensembles. We are looking for individuals to sponsor the purchase of one or more dresses for the women of the ensembles.
- The instruments in the Ypsilanti Community District are currently in poor condition, with many needing repairs of various costs. There is currently a list of instruments that can be sponsored for repair. We are looking for individuals to sponsor the repair of one or more of these instruments.
- We are also looking for general funds for the purchase of new music, small and large equipment for the marching band, reeds, valve oil, slide and cork grease, and other essentials to maintain the proper care and use of the instruments in the district.
You can follow this link to donate directly to the Ypsilanti Community Band Association:
It's been pointed out that the donation link above page may not work for everyone. If you find that you are not able to donate through that link, we have also set up a GoFundMe page that is a secondary means of donating.
Donation Letter - PDF
Kroger Rewards - You can help us out by signing up to have a portion of all of the money you spend at Kroger go directly towards the band program. Simply follow this link to sign up and then select the "Ypsilanti Community Band Association."